
Conclusion & essential criteria for effective appraisals.

  With previous blog topics, it has covered overall aspects of performance appraisals in to some extent. Areas based on evolution, strengths, weaknesses, advantages, disadvantages, characteristics, importance and different types of performance appraisals have discussed within these blogs. In addition to that, separate blog has allocated to discuss about practical scenarios on performance appraisals among bankers to comply with present employment. At the time of conclusion, it is utmost important to give attention to what are the key criteria’s to maintain effective appraisal system.     According to Piggot & Irvine, (2003) following criteria’s are the major elements to achieve Effective Appraisal system. Transparent and confidential   An educative process   Trust Integrated development and accountability   Well-resourced with Training & time   Based on objective, informative   data   Clear guidelines   Mutual respects   Beyond the superficial – on going and in depth