
Showing posts from August, 2022

Performance, Performance Appraisal & Characteristics of Performance Appraisal

  Quote : “Performance is defined as behavior that accomplishes results”.               As noted by Brumbach. (1988 -387) The definition of performance Performance means both behaviour & and result. Behaviour emanates from the performer and transforms performance from abstraction to action. Not just the instrument of result, behaviour is also the outcome in it’s own right and can be judged apart from the result. (Brumbrach, 1988) Performance is a fact of life. In work or in play, indeed any activity where we input even momentary attention, performance can be felt or at least deduced if necessary. Yet of all the concepts that reside in the business research at the moment, the idea of performance itself if probably one of the least understood or certainly the one where the greatest leap of intuition is used. (Folan P, Browne J & Harinder J, 2015)   The definition of performance appraisal Performance appraisal is a formal management system that provides fo