Performance, Performance Appraisal & Characteristics of Performance Appraisal


Quote: “Performance is defined as behavior that accomplishes results”.

              As noted by Brumbach. (1988 -387)

The definition of performance

Performance means both behaviour & and result. Behaviour emanates from the performer and transforms performance from abstraction to action. Not just the instrument of result, behaviour is also the outcome in it’s own right and can be judged apart from the result. (Brumbrach, 1988)

Performance is a fact of life. In work or in play, indeed any activity where we input even momentary attention, performance can be felt or at least deduced if necessary. Yet of all the concepts that reside in the business research at the moment, the idea of performance itself if probably one of the least understood or certainly the one where the greatest leap of intuition is used. (Folan P, Browne J & Harinder J, 2015)


The definition of performance appraisal

Performance appraisal is a formal management system that provides for the evaluation of the quality of an individual’s performance is an organization. (Dick Grote, 2002) According to Grote, The appraisal is usually prepared by the employee’s immediate supervisor. The procedure typically requires the supervisor to fill out a standardized assessment form that evaluates the individual on several different dimensions and then discuss the results of the evaluation with the employee.

Further, performance appraisal refers to all the formal procedures used to evaluate an individual, his contributions and potential. In other words it is to plan and measure the performance of an individual in terms of the requirement of the job or it is a process of finding out how effective the organization has been at hiring and placing an employee. (Dr. Sahu, 2007)

Performance appraisal is a system for evaluating work accomplishments of employees with a view to develop their performance. (Tapomoy Deb, 2008)


Characteristics of Performance appraisal

According to the Deb, characteristics of performance appraisal could illustrated as follows, (Tapomoy Deb, 2008)

  • ·          A data generation system.
  • ·         A tool for strategy formulation and implementation.
  • ·         An integration device for HR system.
  • ·         A legally defensible document.
  • ·         A motivational tool. 

  • Having working to a leading private bank in the country & with the gained exposure, it is utmost important to establishment of proper mechanism to evaluate performance appraisal in prudent and transparent manner.

  • It is frequently get changes with new industry developments & adjusted to achieve the bottom-line of the organization with personal developments of the employees as well. 

  • Accordingly, next blog will be “Mechanism of performance appraisal & importance” of the same.


List of references

Armstrong, M. and Taylor, S. (2014). Armstrong's handbook of human resource management practice, 13th edition. 13th ed. London: Kogan.

Deb, T 2008, Performance appraisal & Management, Concepts, antecedents and implications, New Delhi.

Dr.Sahu, R K 2007, Performance Management System, New Delhi.

Folan P, Browne J & Harinder J 2015,”Peformance its meaning and content for today’s business research” p 03

Grote, C 2002, the performance appraisal question and answer book, a survival guide for managers, American Mangement Association, New York.




  1. In terms of effectiveness the 360-degree performance appraisal system is quite operative in offering a complete analysis of the employee’s performance (Idowu, 2017). One of the best strength is that 360-degree appraisal is an opportunity of rating subordinate’s boss may give the experience of power and right to express (Kuzulu, 2016).

    1. There are few weaknesses in 360 degree performance appraisal system which could illustrate as follows,

      * Multi-rater feedback implementation requires a substantial amount of cost (Rohan-Jones, 2004 : Ward, 2004 ; Nickols, 2007). This fact may be seen as a limitation of 360 degree feedback implementation. Levy and Albright (1995) illustrated that multiple feedback may cause discrepancies as a result of multiple raters.

      * There has been a criticism about a free choice of respondents which claims that receivers are likely to choose the raters who are close to them and who like them (Ward, 2004).

      * Another negative aspect about 360 degree feedback is the threat of negative emphasis of receiver performance (Ward, 2004). The facilitators or the managers, who apply the multi rater feedback tool, may focus on the weakness of the appraisers’ performance.

      * Ward (2004) proposes that there may be some difficulties for appraising managers with their new responsibilities and the details that they have to manage. As was set out in the previous sections, 360 degree feedback approach itself is as important as the gathered feedback. Therefore, managers have to follow the process carefully and that adds more work to their jobs.

  2. There is a significant relationship between the performance of the employees and performance appraisal. Motivation factor acts as the moderator between performance of the employees and performance appraisal. Motivation strengthens the relationship between the two (Naveed,2013).

    1. Katavich has been carried out a research among the sample consisted of 118 No's of New Zealand professionals working in either the retail or finance industry. After controlling for organization (one or two), organizational tenure, organizational level (management or staff) and work status (full time or part time) it was found that performance appraisal satisfaction accounted for variance in both effective commitment & intention to leave. (Kattavich KM, 2013)

      However, no significant correlation was found with the work performance. As there was no significant association between performance appraisal satisfaction and work performance, no moderate was found.

      The performance appraisal system is often a source of employee dissatisfaction. However, findings from this research provide evidence that if employers are satisfied with their appraisal system then this satisfaction has positive benefits for the both organization and the individual in terms of effective commitment and intention to leave.

  3. Performance appraisal, according to Gardner (2008), is the assessment of a person's performance with the primary goal of making impartial personnel decisions. It is also regarded as the procedure for gathering, analyzing, and documenting data related to an employee's relative value to an organization (Armstrong, 2009).

  4. Comment accepted & addition to that, in the 21st century performance appraisal systems are designed in such manner that employees should and must be capable of meeting their expectations in the coming future. Managers are also helping their employees to meet up to their goals by identifying their inefficiencies and conduct training methods to help them remove their inefficiencies. (Jindal, Laveena, & Navneet, 2015)


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